Monday, January 12, 2009

Feedback Update

The feedback application (which is unamed) was created to solve the problem of passing paper markups back and forth. I always leave notes at home or accidentally recycle them. I think it's a waste of paper and resources. I created this simple web application to draw over anything you can view online.

Updates 1-14-09

I changed some of the UI; buttons, alerts, and the type size. I also added preferences so you can change the width of the screen size. I haven't tested or even bothered building this application in IE 6. I will however eventually test and adjust the application to work with IE8 and Chrome. You can now click "remember me" in the log in and you won't have to keep logging in. And when you don't have to keep logging in you can use the Firefox add-on I created.

Markup Send Feedback - The add-on is a simple icon that shows up in the status bar of Firefox. When you are on a page you want to mark up, click the icon and it will take you directly to the feedback app and you can start marking up the page you were just on.

A couple things to be careful of when marking up a web site is the line height difference between different browsers. Also make sure you set the width first before you start marking up if you are marking up a site that is centered.

If you have problems or find a bug let me know, send me an email Also if you think something can be improved let me know.